Many people think of trauma as what counselors categorize as big-T trauma. Childhood abuse. Witnessing death. A catastrophic accident. Experiencing neglect. Surviving a natural disaster.
There is another kind of trauma referred to as little-T trauma. It’s a lowercase T not because it’s less severe, but because it’s less obviously trauma and is often determined by someone’s own experience of an event, rather than the event itself.
Little-T Trauma
This kind of personal trauma is unique to each person and depends on their own beliefs, perceptions, values, tolerance levels, and so on ( That means you are the only person who can determine what has been traumatic for you.
Identifying your traumas doesn’t mean playing the victim. In fact, it’s the opposite. Looking back at your traumatic memories and identifying your triggers is some of the most powerful work you can do to change your life. If you take anything away from this blog, I hope it’s that you have agency over your life—and that includes your mental wellness.
Identifying the little-T trauma in my life has led to several breakthroughs on my path to healing and rewiring my mind. I’ll share a few examples of mine in case that might help you notice some of you own.
Being the last kid to learn to swim – I have a vivid memory of going to a friend’s pool party in kindergarten and being the only child wearing swimmies. (Remember those?) Looking back, I can now identify my reaction as deep shame. I was incredibly embarrassed. A parent was there, but I have no recollection of their support or comfort. That doesn’t mean I wasn’t supported. It could just mean I was experiencing such acute stress that I wasn’t able to recognize anything else. As a five-year-old, this experience deeply affected my sense of self-worth.
Having a parent who yelled a lot – When I think back on how I felt at home as a kid, I did feel safe and loved. And my parent was not a safe place for my emotions because they didn’t know how to deal with their own. I learned quickly that when I cried, it was easier to act like I was okay or to only shed tears in the privacy of my room. It took me decades before I was able to cry in front of another person. And last year, I learned to identify and feel my emotions for the first time.
Living in a larger body – I’ve been curvy since puberty and have always weighed more than many of my peers. I was bullied in school. I wasn’t allowed to wear the same clothes as my smaller-bodied sister. My mom was always on a diet (because, hello, it was the ‘90s). I learned pretty quickly how important how much you weighed was to others. When I was able to acknowledge that growing up in a culture that equates being thin with being beautiful and worthy was extremely difficult for me, I was finally able to forgive myself for all the hate I directed inward.
These may seem minor. But when you’re a child learning how to relate to the world, these little-T traumas can have a significant impact on your thought processes and how you see yourself.
The Power of Identification
As I worked to identify and work through each of them with a therapist, I have slowly healed myself. It’s an ongoing process that I will continue to work on.
No matter how minor you think some of your experiences may be, know they matter. And the first step is identifying those traumatic events for yourself. By calling them trauma, you release yourself from blame or shame. None of it is your fault. Your mind and body have been helping you cope the best they can—and you’ve survived all of your worst days.
Take Action: Intentionally think about some moments from your adolescence. Do you have any memories come up that always bring you right back to that moment of shame, embarrassment, or loneliness? Prompt your thinking by closing your eyes and imagining you’re back in a location from your childhood, such as school, home, or a friend’s house. Do any thoughts or memories come to mind? Write them down in your journal or a document on your computer.